photography projects & seasonal experiences

with Heather Woodward BTog CPAT-ka


Learn about our photography projects and seasonal experiences here. We would love for you to get involved in some of the projects that are close to our heart.

Seasonal offerings change throughout the year, so make sure to check back regularly.

For further information click the experience types.

Projects & seasonal Experiences


The sunflower experience

  • 30-40 Minute Micro Experience

  • 10 x 8 Framed Print

  • 3 Social Media-sized Files.

  • 17th August 2024, Derbyshire


The lavender experience

  • 30-40 Minute Micro Experience

  • 10 x 8 Framed Print

  • 3 Social Media-sized Files.

  • 18th August 2024,
    North Yorkshire


the muzzled dog photography book

  • Complimentary consultation

  • 30-40 Minute Micro Experience

  • Urban or Rural location

  • Complimentary copy of the Final Book

  • £100 Credit towards Wall Art.


nominate a reactive dog and their owner

  • Complimentary consultation

  • 30 - 40 minute Micro Experience

  • Location of your Choice

  • In Person image reveal and ordering consultation

  • £100 credit towards Wall Art or 1 High Resolution Digital
